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 19 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Gaius Marius"Advanced Search
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Marius a minturnes, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Marius à Carthage, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Caius Marius and the Cimbrian Soldier (Plutarch, "Marius," 39; Lucan, "Pharsalia," XI, 75-..., 1806. Creator: Johann Heinrich Lips.
Marius, 1780-1817. Creator: Johann Heinrich Lips.
Marius at Minturnae, ca. 1796-1800. Creator: Francois-Xavier Fabre.
Caius Marius on the Ruins of Carthage, January 20, 1782. Creator: Robert Blyth.
Caius Marius in Prison, two Cimbrian soldiers entering his cell, 1560-69. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
The Triumph of Marius, 1729. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
'Caius Marius', (157 BC- 86 BC), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'Marius Among the Ruins of Carthage', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Escape of Marius the Younger at Praeneste', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
‘Marius’. late 1st century. Artist: Unknown.
'Marius in the Ruins of Carthage', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Marius in his Old Age', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Marius retired from Business', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Who dares kill Marius?', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Gaius Marius sitting in exile among the ruins of Carthage', c1912 (1912). Artist: William Rainey.
Bust of the Roman republican general Marius, 2nd century. Artist: Unknown
Bust of Marius, 2nd century. Artist: Unknown